Property and real estate consulting in Luang Prabang, Laos. Services range from renting/ buying land and property to business consultations.
Helping Lao people and expats with a range of services from renting/ buying land or property, to advising with official documentation.
KK Consulting & Real Estate is based in Luang Prabang, Laos and offers a range of useful services to both Lao residents and expats alike.
The managing director of KK Consulting & Real Estate is Ms. Khankham Douanglavan. Luang Prabang Provincial Partner with RentsBuy KK Consulting & Real Estate was established in 2010
We are also proud to be part of the RentsBuy network and a trusted partner for Luang Prabang. See our RentsBuy profile.
Please click on the contact below to get started.